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What is a Little Free Herbary?

A Little Free Herbary is a raised bed, plot or even pot of herbs on one’s property or a public place from which neighbors and passersby are invited to harvest. It’s as simple as putting one on your front stoop or in your front yard and putting up a sign letting people know they’re welcome to pick from it.

A Little Free Herbary can take many physical forms but the point is to provide your street, neighborhood or community with free herbs for their use in whatever they like: recipes, remedies, fragrances, teas, etc.

It is also, importantly, an invitation to your neighbors that you’re open to sharing from your garden and an opportunity to connect.

Put simply: Little Free Herbaries create and deepen connections between neighbors, strengthen communities and allow you to help those around you.

(Please stay tuned as we put the pieces in place to grow from the Little Free Herbary concept from its original seed of an idea! Coming soon to this website and our various social accounts: more resources, a map, guidance on how to set up and sign your Little Free Herbary, and more!)